Digikennoja 24/7

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Viestit: 10649
Liittynyt: Maalis 13, 2008 9 : 12

Digikennoja 24/7

Viesti Kirjoittaja temama »

Pisnes kukoistaa, ja kysyntää näyttää olevan;

https://www.dpreview.com/news/070183352 ... sor-demand" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Muutama poiminta;

image sensor manufacturing business 24/7 straight through the holidays in an effort to keep on top of demand. As well, Sony is building a new facility in Nagasaki to expand its production capacity.

The rise of double- and triple-camera modules on flagship smartphones is driving this demand, the report claims. Whereas smartphone manufacturers previously needed one image sensor per handset

Falling only behind the PlayStation, Sony's semiconductor business has become its most profitable business with image sensors accounting for the majority of the revenue.

Sony remains in competition with Samsung, which has seen demand for its own image sensors likewise increase.

Samsung yrittää selättää Sonyn älyluurien kenno-skabassa. Saas nähdä miten käy!
Elämä on valokuvaajan parasta aikaa! Vîta est tempus optimum homini