3200 ja 6400 ISO 300D:ssä!
Lähetetty: Helmi 20, 2004 16 : 05
Alain Briot käytti 300D:tä Pariisissa ja kirjoittaa kokemuksistaan mm. täällä:
http://www.outbackphoto.com/reviews/equ ... alain.html
Mies haikaili kameraan 3200 ISOa ja sain lukijansa avustuksella seuraavanlaisen oivalluksen:
"Simply set the 300D to ISO 1600 then set the exposure compensation to -1. This will effectively result in an ISO 3200 sensitivity.
Agreed, the photographs taken with this setting will be underexposed by one stop. However, as I explained in a previous entry, correcting for a 1 stop or even 2 stops underexposure during raw conversion is not only feasible but virtually unnoticeable in the final image. Since a two stop underexposure can be corrected this means it is possible to shoot at ISO 1600 -2 stops resulting in an ISO 6400 effective speed.
My previous underexposure example was done with photographs exposed in normal daylight. I will conduct tests at night using ISO 1600 underexposed by -1 and -2 stops and publish the resulting images to this diary.
This technique opens some very interesting venues for nigh time or low-light level photography"
Mielenkiintoista nähdä Alainin testin tulokset.
http://www.outbackphoto.com/reviews/equ ... alain.html
Mies haikaili kameraan 3200 ISOa ja sain lukijansa avustuksella seuraavanlaisen oivalluksen:
"Simply set the 300D to ISO 1600 then set the exposure compensation to -1. This will effectively result in an ISO 3200 sensitivity.
Agreed, the photographs taken with this setting will be underexposed by one stop. However, as I explained in a previous entry, correcting for a 1 stop or even 2 stops underexposure during raw conversion is not only feasible but virtually unnoticeable in the final image. Since a two stop underexposure can be corrected this means it is possible to shoot at ISO 1600 -2 stops resulting in an ISO 6400 effective speed.
My previous underexposure example was done with photographs exposed in normal daylight. I will conduct tests at night using ISO 1600 underexposed by -1 and -2 stops and publish the resulting images to this diary.
This technique opens some very interesting venues for nigh time or low-light level photography"
Mielenkiintoista nähdä Alainin testin tulokset.