Mitenkäs tuo Epsanja?
- Viestit: 1834
- Liittynyt: Loka 05, 2003 8 : 51
Mitenkäs tuo Epsanja?
Aika moni varmaan käy silloin tällöin turisteilemassa Epsanjassa. Siellä lienee suht kiva hintataso Suomeen verrattuna ja EU-maasta tuonnissa ei pitäisi olla onkelmia.
Oletteko tuoneet optiikkaa Espanjasta?
Tietääkö joku esim Malagasta jonkin kameraparatiisin?
Lomareissu on tiedossa, joten kai siihen jotain kivaakin pitäisi sisällyttää.
Oletteko tuoneet optiikkaa Espanjasta?
Tietääkö joku esim Malagasta jonkin kameraparatiisin?
Lomareissu on tiedossa, joten kai siihen jotain kivaakin pitäisi sisällyttää.
- Viestit: 699
- Liittynyt: Tammi 09, 2003 22 : 38
Ainakin kun Andorrassa katsoin digejä e ollut hintataso erittäin halpa... ja sitäpaitsi en tiedä miten luotettava joku turistitrygari sitten on... kun tulee kotiin huomaa että takuutodistus ei kelpaa ja kun matksutaa seuraavan kerran sinne kamerakaupan tilalla on kebab-ravintola...
Mielummin vaan tilaa vebbikaupasta, ei ne postikulut paljoa ole ja silloin saa kuitenkin mailit webbikaupoista joita voi käyttää sitten osin todisteena jne.
Mielummin vaan tilaa vebbikaupasta, ei ne postikulut paljoa ole ja silloin saa kuitenkin mailit webbikaupoista joita voi käyttää sitten osin todisteena jne.
- Viestit: 84
- Liittynyt: Kesä 13, 2003 11 : 42
- Paikkakunta: Kirkkonummi
Tultihin justiinsa manner-Epsaniasta joululomilta ja näyteikkunaostosten perusteella ei siellä näyttänyt elektroniikka yleesäkään olevan ainakaan suomea halvempaa, ehkä jopa päinvastoin. Pahus ettei ehtinyt Ceutan läpi Marokkoon mennessä tarkastaa sen elektroniikkahintoja, sehän on jonkinlaista vapaakauppa-aluetta, sieltä saattaisi tehdä löytöjä. Siellä siis kannattanee Malagan seuduilta käsin pistäytyä, pikalaiva Algeciraksesta Ceutaan vie vain 45 minuuttia ja maksaa joitain kymmeniä euroja ees taas.
Ja siinä vieressä on sitten se Gibraltar, ainakin alkoholi ja tupakka oli kohtuuhinnoissa, valitettavasti jäi visiitti sielläkin sen verran lyhykäiseksi, että elektroniikan arvostus jäi senkin osalta mysteeriksi. Epsanian polliisi sitten raakkaa muuten ylimääräiset tuliaiset sulta pois tullessasi Gibraltarilta Espanjan puolelle ihan vanhaan Vaalimaan raja-aseman tapaan!
Ja siinä vieressä on sitten se Gibraltar, ainakin alkoholi ja tupakka oli kohtuuhinnoissa, valitettavasti jäi visiitti sielläkin sen verran lyhykäiseksi, että elektroniikan arvostus jäi senkin osalta mysteeriksi. Epsanian polliisi sitten raakkaa muuten ylimääräiset tuliaiset sulta pois tullessasi Gibraltarilta Espanjan puolelle ihan vanhaan Vaalimaan raja-aseman tapaan!
- Viestit: 246
- Liittynyt: Huhti 13, 2003 21 : 57
- Paikkakunta: Espoo
- Viestit: 7
- Liittynyt: Joulu 29, 2003 0 : 08
- Viestit: 253
- Liittynyt: Tammi 10, 2003 12 : 25
- Paikkakunta: Helsinki
- Viesti:
Lukekaa tämä keskustelu: ... ge=7279740
Eli Espanjasta löytyy nettikauppoja jossa on jotain edullisia objektiiveja. Lähinnä kai Canonin L-sarja on suhteessa edullisinta.
Esim. CANON 70-200/2.8 L IS USM vain 1.506,00 € (!!
Oma espanjan taitoni on vain niin heikko etten saa edes selville toimittavatko ne ulkomaille...
Mikael ... ge=7279740
Eli Espanjasta löytyy nettikauppoja jossa on jotain edullisia objektiiveja. Lähinnä kai Canonin L-sarja on suhteessa edullisinta.
Esim. CANON 70-200/2.8 L IS USM vain 1.506,00 € (!!
Oma espanjan taitoni on vain niin heikko etten saa edes selville toimittavatko ne ulkomaille...
- Viestit: 34035
- Liittynyt: Joulu 22, 2003 20 : 05
Cuál es tan tan difícil en español? Eso es como comer una zanahoria.
Enpä tiedä selviääkö noista sen enempää ;-)
Condiciones de venta:
All the orders that become in, have a position of 12.00 Euros for packages that do not surpass the 10 Kilos of weight for transport and insurance. If the merchandise surpassed the 10 Kilos of weight the expenses of transport they would increase (in this case of consulting) If there were not existence at the moment for making the order, the Telephone or email will be warned that appears in the order... Immediately reimbursing the transferred amount If the material is going to take but of 15 days. The shipments are always made by assured transport, previous transference to our bank: BBV To 0182 2014 84 0011503708 always including 12.03 Euros of expenses to the totality of its order. Except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla that the transport will be paid in the destiny. Ten days of the reception of the merchandise will not be accepted last claims. The claims will be admitted solely by justified cause, within the ten later days to the delivery and having to be in perfect state as much the article as the packing. In case of incidence it must communicate it to our Telephones: 91 530 83 74 or by email: Any return will have to accompany original invoice by purchase, and will have to arrive in perfect state. The prices that appear in have the IVA including on the net value of the merchandise. Our prices always predominate on the one of the effective supplies in the sector, that due to the constant variation, in many cases the material will be in charge with 10/15 days obtaining therefore the best one of the supplies. The articulos where it does not appear the price, it is necessary to consult before making the order, because it can not be available or section for another client. Their disposition had left for which it wants to us to suggest. Ana Cadavieco FotogangaTodocasiòn, S.L
Quienes somos
FotoGanga Todocasión, S.L is a relatively young company Founded on 1.988 But with a experience by its creator of 20 years. Located at first in one of the zones but well-known, the Madrilenian Sign, in a small store of the Creek of Tanners began FOTOGANGA to take his first steps. Times difficult to break through in a world where the sale of photographic material was striped to a few. The certainty and the fight so that this changed made its founder make important decisions, being conscious that the consumer was evolving, and what he looked for was a change of market the disappearance of the monopolies and the competition of free market gave to passage to the so awaited parallel imports, that as much they gave that to speak in those years in our sector, being the usuario/consumidor the main beneficiary us, because what he really looks for the user is better price, better attention and but seriousness. And all this was obtained with the disappearance of the monopolies in Spain, and the free market. FOTOGANGA was one of the pioneering Companies in the import of photographic material and we felt proud of the clients who in their day bet by us, our seriousness and continuity during these years guarantees to us. We considered that the free market is indispensable to balance the prices. FOTOGANGA offers the best supplies of the audio-visual market, considering the advances technological that have taken place years in the last, we continued in this bet to be the one of the photographic establishments with the competitive prices but of Spain, certain one is that we made it with a concerted effort, but mainly, to the enormous aid and illusion of all our clients, mainly of whom from a principle they continue with his support. Now already they know a little better who is and as I am created FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Store in Madrid specialized in: * New photographic material * Used material photographic (in perfect state, reviewed and guaranteed) * Material photographic coming from exhibitions (new almost without use) * Material for collectors FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN Round of Toledo, 28 28005 Madrid TF: 91 530 83 74 FAX: 91 539 95 82 email: Web: N.I.F B-81822413
Main services that FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN offers, S.L Electronic commerce of analogical and digital photographic material FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Ronda de Toledo, 28 28005 Madrid (Spain) TF: 91- 530 83 74 email: Web: Our store opened to I publish the seven days of the week of Monday to Hour Domingo: From Monday through Friday 10 to 13:30 Hours 17 to 20 Hours Saturdays 10 to 13:30 Hours 17:30 to 20 Hours (Saturdays in the evening closed in the months of 1 of Julio up to 15 September) Domingo 10 to 13:30 Hours In fotoganga he can find photographic material very diverse, from a collection camera to you complete new features in digital technology, asi like material for file, accessories of all type, tripods amateur and professional, prism binocular, objectives of the first marks, projection, flashes..... etc in our Web he can sail and enjoy if you are one of those people excited by that called language FOTOGRAFIA. In addition we have a revealed service of, with the two of but prestigious photographic laboratories of Spain. We have on watch technician urgent repair with technicians who guarantee to them but of 30 years of experience. We worked with official technical services in Europe: Germany and Holland Our suppliers: Officials in several countries of the European Community (Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, England and Spain) All our new products are endorsed with the official guarantee between 6 months and a year. Our material of occasion has a guarantee of six months, totally being reviewed by our technicians. In a period of three months from the date of purchase if to the new material, a failure is detected to him of it makes, it will be replaced by another equal one without it must happen through the technical service, whenever one gives with the packing in perfect state and the guarantees without sealing asi same the purchase invoice. In the case of the occasion material if even being reviewed, a failure were detected, would be repaired and fit by our technicians. IT FORMS TO ENTER And TO VISIT OUR WEB; In the left part of his screen, it will find the set of-functionalities of FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Thus will be able to accede to anyone of our marks, with a single click, in the mouse of his computer. Press in one of the marks and will obtain the updated access of all products of that mark, example: Clicking in: CANON, opens underneath the word CANON the content * Cameras reflex * Objectives * Compact Cameras * Accessories It clicks again in which it wishes to see, and in the superior part of his screen, it can see the paginas that are available, happening of one in one with the arrow located in the superior part until finalizing with the mark.
Enpä tiedä selviääkö noista sen enempää ;-)
Condiciones de venta:
All the orders that become in, have a position of 12.00 Euros for packages that do not surpass the 10 Kilos of weight for transport and insurance. If the merchandise surpassed the 10 Kilos of weight the expenses of transport they would increase (in this case of consulting) If there were not existence at the moment for making the order, the Telephone or email will be warned that appears in the order... Immediately reimbursing the transferred amount If the material is going to take but of 15 days. The shipments are always made by assured transport, previous transference to our bank: BBV To 0182 2014 84 0011503708 always including 12.03 Euros of expenses to the totality of its order. Except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla that the transport will be paid in the destiny. Ten days of the reception of the merchandise will not be accepted last claims. The claims will be admitted solely by justified cause, within the ten later days to the delivery and having to be in perfect state as much the article as the packing. In case of incidence it must communicate it to our Telephones: 91 530 83 74 or by email: Any return will have to accompany original invoice by purchase, and will have to arrive in perfect state. The prices that appear in have the IVA including on the net value of the merchandise. Our prices always predominate on the one of the effective supplies in the sector, that due to the constant variation, in many cases the material will be in charge with 10/15 days obtaining therefore the best one of the supplies. The articulos where it does not appear the price, it is necessary to consult before making the order, because it can not be available or section for another client. Their disposition had left for which it wants to us to suggest. Ana Cadavieco FotogangaTodocasiòn, S.L
Quienes somos
FotoGanga Todocasión, S.L is a relatively young company Founded on 1.988 But with a experience by its creator of 20 years. Located at first in one of the zones but well-known, the Madrilenian Sign, in a small store of the Creek of Tanners began FOTOGANGA to take his first steps. Times difficult to break through in a world where the sale of photographic material was striped to a few. The certainty and the fight so that this changed made its founder make important decisions, being conscious that the consumer was evolving, and what he looked for was a change of market the disappearance of the monopolies and the competition of free market gave to passage to the so awaited parallel imports, that as much they gave that to speak in those years in our sector, being the usuario/consumidor the main beneficiary us, because what he really looks for the user is better price, better attention and but seriousness. And all this was obtained with the disappearance of the monopolies in Spain, and the free market. FOTOGANGA was one of the pioneering Companies in the import of photographic material and we felt proud of the clients who in their day bet by us, our seriousness and continuity during these years guarantees to us. We considered that the free market is indispensable to balance the prices. FOTOGANGA offers the best supplies of the audio-visual market, considering the advances technological that have taken place years in the last, we continued in this bet to be the one of the photographic establishments with the competitive prices but of Spain, certain one is that we made it with a concerted effort, but mainly, to the enormous aid and illusion of all our clients, mainly of whom from a principle they continue with his support. Now already they know a little better who is and as I am created FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Store in Madrid specialized in: * New photographic material * Used material photographic (in perfect state, reviewed and guaranteed) * Material photographic coming from exhibitions (new almost without use) * Material for collectors FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN Round of Toledo, 28 28005 Madrid TF: 91 530 83 74 FAX: 91 539 95 82 email: Web: N.I.F B-81822413
Main services that FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN offers, S.L Electronic commerce of analogical and digital photographic material FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Ronda de Toledo, 28 28005 Madrid (Spain) TF: 91- 530 83 74 email: Web: Our store opened to I publish the seven days of the week of Monday to Hour Domingo: From Monday through Friday 10 to 13:30 Hours 17 to 20 Hours Saturdays 10 to 13:30 Hours 17:30 to 20 Hours (Saturdays in the evening closed in the months of 1 of Julio up to 15 September) Domingo 10 to 13:30 Hours In fotoganga he can find photographic material very diverse, from a collection camera to you complete new features in digital technology, asi like material for file, accessories of all type, tripods amateur and professional, prism binocular, objectives of the first marks, projection, flashes..... etc in our Web he can sail and enjoy if you are one of those people excited by that called language FOTOGRAFIA. In addition we have a revealed service of, with the two of but prestigious photographic laboratories of Spain. We have on watch technician urgent repair with technicians who guarantee to them but of 30 years of experience. We worked with official technical services in Europe: Germany and Holland Our suppliers: Officials in several countries of the European Community (Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, England and Spain) All our new products are endorsed with the official guarantee between 6 months and a year. Our material of occasion has a guarantee of six months, totally being reviewed by our technicians. In a period of three months from the date of purchase if to the new material, a failure is detected to him of it makes, it will be replaced by another equal one without it must happen through the technical service, whenever one gives with the packing in perfect state and the guarantees without sealing asi same the purchase invoice. In the case of the occasion material if even being reviewed, a failure were detected, would be repaired and fit by our technicians. IT FORMS TO ENTER And TO VISIT OUR WEB; In the left part of his screen, it will find the set of-functionalities of FOTOGANGA TODOCASIÓN, S.L Thus will be able to accede to anyone of our marks, with a single click, in the mouse of his computer. Press in one of the marks and will obtain the updated access of all products of that mark, example: Clicking in: CANON, opens underneath the word CANON the content * Cameras reflex * Objectives * Compact Cameras * Accessories It clicks again in which it wishes to see, and in the superior part of his screen, it can see the paginas that are available, happening of one in one with the arrow located in the superior part until finalizing with the mark.
- Viestit: 1
- Liittynyt: Helmi 04, 2004 18 : 21
Uutena tulokkaana tässä foorumissa ja toisen digikameran juuri hankkineena, tällä kertaa Lanzarotelta, voin todeta hintatason siellä olevan vähintäänkin kohtuullisen Suomeen verrattuna.
Olympus c-5050 zoom tuli hankittua useiden tahojen suosittelemasta kamerakaupasta.
Mukaan tuli 32 ja 256 -muistikortit, kahdet akut + laturi + 8 alkaaliparistoa, laukku + muu kameran vaikoverme ja kuvien katseluun/ siirtoon liittyvä tilpehööri. Koko tsydeemi pitkän väännön jälkeen maksoi 580 eur.
Jostain voi toki saada vielä edullisemmin, en tiedä, mutta tähän mennessä tyytyväinen sekä päätökseen että kameraan.
Uutena tulokkaana tässä foorumissa ja toisen digikameran juuri hankkineena, tällä kertaa Lanzarotelta, voin todeta hintatason siellä olevan vähintäänkin kohtuullisen Suomeen verrattuna.
Olympus c-5050 zoom tuli hankittua useiden tahojen suosittelemasta kamerakaupasta.
Mukaan tuli 32 ja 256 -muistikortit, kahdet akut + laturi + 8 alkaaliparistoa, laukku + muu kameran vaikoverme ja kuvien katseluun/ siirtoon liittyvä tilpehööri. Koko tsydeemi pitkän väännön jälkeen maksoi 580 eur.
Jostain voi toki saada vielä edullisemmin, en tiedä, mutta tähän mennessä tyytyväinen sekä päätökseen että kameraan.